About Us


Core Angel story begins September 21’ in Orange County, CA by two incredibly close friends who have become family. Jane and Jenee had a vision to create an Angel inspired jewelry, accessories, and decor to spread happiness, joy and inspiration.

 Core Angel delivers a variety of timeless and versatile designs that compliment all ages, whether you are shopping for something elegant, meaningful, edgy or just plain FUN we’ve got you covered!  

 Our inspiration behind Core Angel come from the love of collecting Angel statues, that Jane has. She has been collecting Angel statues since she was a small child. Jenee has a strong passion for fashion and giving inspiration through wearing what makes her feel good. A year ago Jane and I were hanging out one day and started talking about how many people are becoming more spiritual. This need for spirituality has become big for many and we would like to accommodate this with our Core Angel brand!

 We strive to keep our Core Angel Brand Inspiring, Fashionable and fun!! Find your inner Angel at Core Angel!!!!